While the phacoemulsification machine is the heart of
cataract surgery, the Phaco handpiece could be considered the nervous system.
Without it, the ophthalmologist could not deliver power to the Phaco tip or direct
it to perform the intricate cataract surgery.
At a cost of over $5,000, your handpieces represent an important
investment for your practice, and it’s only wise to handle and maintain them
with the highest level of care. However, devices this delicate aren’t always
treated as carefully as they should be. Before you find your devices in need of
handpiece repair, make sure to treat them with care.
To keep your handpieces in proper, working order, experts recommend frequent and gentle cleanings to thoroughly remove debris. If the device is not cleaned properly, debris can accumulate and compromise the surgical procedure. When examining the handpiece for dents or nicks, remember to also inspect the tip, silicone sleeve and cord. Any fraying of the cord should be addressed immediately.
After autoclaving your handpiece, it should cool at room temperature for at least 15 minutes. If your facility is busy and you’re performing surgery after surgery, it can be tempting to use it at a faster rate. Do not take shortcuts such as immersing the handpiece into cold water, which could cause damage.
To keep your handpieces in proper, working order, experts recommend frequent and gentle cleanings to thoroughly remove debris. If the device is not cleaned properly, debris can accumulate and compromise the surgical procedure. When examining the handpiece for dents or nicks, remember to also inspect the tip, silicone sleeve and cord. Any fraying of the cord should be addressed immediately.
After autoclaving your handpiece, it should cool at room temperature for at least 15 minutes. If your facility is busy and you’re performing surgery after surgery, it can be tempting to use it at a faster rate. Do not take shortcuts such as immersing the handpiece into cold water, which could cause damage.
Combined I/A/phaco functions allow the use of one instrument for the two procedures. These features open the door to the next generation of phaco handpieces, eliminating the need for a central aspiration line. Learn more about phaco handpiece on this site.